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The House of 200 Demons

There has been a lot of coverage on the internet, and in the news, over the last few days about the story of Latoya Ammons and her family, and the the torment they suffered at the hands of over 200 demonic entities in their home.

Let me start off by saying that I do, to a degree, believe in the possibility of the paranormal. I have my self spent cold nights investigating allegedly haunted asylums, airfields and homes, in the hope of finding some proof of the paranormal. Though I believe, to a degree, I always try to look for logical explanations before I let my mind run to the possibility of the supernatural.

As a horror writer, I like to keep up to date with any interesting supernatural phenomena occurring in the world, it can often lead to great story ideas. Usually what you find are incidents that make good starting points, but that you have to exaggerate severely to make a good horror story.

When I first read the Ammons story I thought somebody had already done that. The events that the family experienced already sound like the plot of a horror movie.

It started in 2011 when Latoya, her three children and her mother, moved into a rented home in Gary Indiana. The first things that happened were swarms of horse flies outside the front door, unusual as it was November. Then footsteps could be heard in the basement. Strange, wet and muddy footprints would appear in the carpets. The family would hear the sound of dogs barking coming from the basement.

It soon progressed to shadowy figures being seen around the home, and banging and knocking. Ms Ammons, and her children all began to show signs of possession. The children would often speak in deep, hoarse voices as their eyes bulged. Latoya heard her daughter screaming and found the girl levitating above her bed.  

The most shocking incident describes her 9 year old son, smiling demonically before walking backwards up a wall to the ceiling. 

I have to admit that at this point in the story I was thinking this was all a bunch of lies, designed to get the Ammons family money and fame. However when you read deeper into the story there is an alarming amount of credible evidence to support the story.

The Indiana newspaper that first ran the story was in possession of over 800 pages of official reports, pertaining to the case.

The police were called out countless times and a local police Captain stated that although he had initially suspected the ‘Haunting’ was part of a get rich quick scheme, after spending time in the house he was ‘a believer’. He also stated he would not set foot in the house at night. This sentiment was echoed by many of the other police officers who had attended the home.


The Photograph above is an official police photograph, taken when no one was in the house, yet a white figure is clearly visible at the window. Now i’m not going to say I believe the photograph 100%, it could after all just be some kind of reflection. When you look at it along with the police statements, it does seem more credible.

The wall walking incident mentioned earlier is one of the best documented occurrences in the case. It did not happen in the family home, it was in the busy emergency room of the local hospital. Five people witnessed it. Three were family members. Of the other two, one was a child protection officer, there to investigate any chance of abuse. Who recorded the incident in her official paperwork. The other was an ER nurse, who said there was no way the boy should have been able to do it.

So all of these witnesses, official reports and evidence suggest that perhaps, disturbingly, there is some truth in the tale. I could perhaps believe a family could come up with a story like this to make money, it is suggested that is what the Lutz family did in the case of the Amityville Horror. Perhaps I could believe one or two others could be roped in to the charade for a cut of the prophets.  

However I find it hard to believe that so many people of good standing would be a part of it. Especially the Child Protection officer. If you were sent to investigate reports of child abuse, would you go along with such a far fetched story just on the off chance of a profit? i don’t think so.

It’s a strange world we live in, and stories like this can’t help but make you wonder.

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